"If your spirit doesn’t go with me, I’ll not go."
Do you think Moses finally figured it out...if God’s not in this, I may as well sit still and wait until I see where He’s going and then go with Him. God never planned for us to 'win a few and lose a few'. He told Joshua that if he would meditate in the book of the law day and night and “observe to do” what is written in it, he would deal wisely in ALL the affairs of life and have good success.
Paul’s prayer in Ephesians that the eyes of our hearts would be flooded with light and that we would understand the hope to which we’ve been called is one I pray for myself and others often. Before vs. 17, Paul was sharing ALL that we have been given in Christ. He speaks of our adoption as sons and daughters, our access to wisdom and righteousness through Christ, literally summing it up that we’ve been given EVERYTHING that pertains unto life and godliness and then he prays...as a matter of fact he says he ALWAYS prays, which indicates that he made this his prayer often as well...that we would understand, have a revelation of what we have in Him.
It’s only the truth we KNOW that sets us free. The Bible is full of truth, but until we meditate in it, and allow the Holy Spirit to unfold the truth to us personally, we can remain bound in areas of our lives, though freedom is our calling. Remember Galatians? You’ve been called to freedom, not as an occasion to the flesh, but for the purpose of in love serving one another.
Truly being presence led means being LED each day to the waters of the word. To thirst for His Word and find ourselves drinking freely of the truths, settling down and making our home in them. John 15: Abide in His Word and let His Word abide in you...get comfortable with His Word. If the translation you are reading isn’t comfortable, get a more comfortable one. That’s how I became Barbara Amplified Arbo! The King James was just “over my head”. I needed something that would help me to understand and comprehend. Paul’s prayer worked for me, and I was led to the Amplified Bible, and it’s become my companion for 45 years. Now when I dwell in His Word, I know that I am dwelling in His presence. His Word rises up to speak with me, and when I lie down it keeps me. I’m talking the Word. I can give you references for everything I’ve said in this blog, but it’s not just the Words written in the Bible to me anymore, they are written on my heart. I live in the Word and the Word lives in me....we’ve become a part of one another. I don’t go anywhere without the Bible, even when I don’t carry the book. It’s a part of who I am, how I think, what I believe and how I pray. It’s the presence-led life.