The Sanctuary
On March 31, 2014 we moved into this beautiful Sanctuary in Gilford, NH after months of searching for a ‘place of prayer’ in New England.
This 1793 farm house, once known as Smiling Hill Farm was one of the first farms in the area to utilize electric milkers for it’s herd of dairy cows and one of the first to raise what is known as our Thanksgiving turkeys according to the history books! Just a mile or so from Gunstock Ski Resort and 5 minutes from the beautiful beaches on the shores of Lake Winnipesaukee, it’s peaceful and serene setting in the mountains has already proven so conducive to prayer.
“Step out of the traffic! Take a long, loving look at me, your High God, above politics, above everything. (Psalms 46:10 Mess.)
It has been our experience in visiting places of prayer around the world that the “continued heartfelt prayers of righteous men and women avail much” and that truly there can be established places of prayer that through continued use in prayer and worship simply become saturated with God’s presence, and become a habitation for His glory and presence. We believe the Sanctuary is already becoming that kind of place.
We are grateful to the many friends and partners who believe in us, and the work God has called us to here and support The Sanctuary through their generous gifts and monthly support. We pray that all that God has deposited in us through the years of serving Him can be poured into New England in the days ahead as we walk in obedience to the call. If you’d like to come for a visit or an event, email us at