Thirty years ago the Lord spoke clearly to us after returning from visiting places of prayer around the world, that we had been called to establish a place of prayer in New England. He was quick to add that before we established a place of prayer we must first establish a place of prayer in the hearts of people.
That has taken us on a journey around the world as we have traveled and imparted a spirit of prayer in prayer retreats, clinics, prayer schools and prayer revivals. For over 16 years Steve has given oversight to a 24 x 7 place of prayer as well in Ft. Worth, Texas at Calvary Cathedral International.
God’s plan has brought a shift to our lives into the next phase of ministry. We have been positioned with purpose, God’s purpose, and are so excited for what we are experiencing. Now it’s time for New England, and again seeing another GREAT AWAKENING in our nation. It’s time to “Resort to Prayer.”